• Get Help and Support

    eVolutive’s customer service for its Apps and Websites

Customer Support

We provide customer service through various channels: directly from our Apps and Websites or through this website.

Fixes on request

We work with our users to fix any bugs that they might encounter. Just contact support.


You can check on this page a collection of the most frequently asked questions. Check them out below.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a list of answers to common questions.

Is my device supported?

All our Apps are universal and are tested with a complete set of devices to ensure that they work with the whole range of iOS devices, being compatible with the current and previous version of iOS. Regarding to our Apps that work for Android they do also work on tablets and phones. Furthermore, our websites are responsive and adapt as well on desktops as on touch devices.

I spotted a speed trap that does not appear in Speed Trap Plus. How can I add it to the database?

At this moment there is no automatic way to submit new speed traps or to alert of errors on existing ones. The preferred way to do so is by sending a support email from the support section of the menu of the App with the location of the speed trap and its information such as: speed, orientation and if it is associated to a red light.

We are looking for someone to help us with iOS project. Can you help us?

We develop iOS projects and websites for third parties, from developing the full project to integrating as part of a team as programming contractors, from our office or at the site of the other company. For more information about rates and to establish contact check the Contracts section of this website.

What is your refund policy?

We do not directly bill any customer through our Apps, in the case that you would wish a refund, you should contact Apple directly or Google Play and comply with their terms and conditions regarding refunds.

I did purchase a subscription plan for Speed Trap Plus and I want to unsubscribe, how can I do it?

In the case that you are under a subscription plan of Speed Trap Plus and want to unsubscribe- you have to do this directly from Apple’s App Store, since we do not manage billing directly for any of our Apps in the App Store. This process is quite straight forward and can be done in the store section in the menu of the App, or following this guide.

Is my data safe? What is your stance on privacy?

We do not collect any personal data with our Apps and Websites, the only exception to it are personal emails when you contact us through support, yet we only use it for this purpose and some ocasional customer care email campaign. You can check our Privacy Policy here.

Can’t find a solution to your problem? No worries, our customer service is here.
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